VIH Y Yo Translated Workshop Notes
(This spring, the WWHIVDD? collective, in conjunction with Poets & Writers, ran a series of writing workshops focused on a variety of experiences of HIV. One of these workshops was conducted with a Spanish-speaking population. These are the translated notes from that session.)
HIV, How does it impact me?
- Why isn't there a cure?
- White supremacy
- "The Cure is worth more than the sickness" (reflection on how they are not seen as worthy for a cure, how people with HIV/AIDS are at the bottom of the power structures, and even more disposable, if you are a drug user who is not poz)
- We need Prevention (condoms, syringe exchange, housing)
- Need to combat ignorance
- They kills us with: pills, chemistry, junk food, methadone
- And who is "they"? Politicians, Pharma, Doctors, Medicaid, prison industrial complex, drug dealers. And driving all these: the economy and capitalism.
- We need water, nutrition, medical treatment, information, knowledge
- "The FEMA coffins are already ready for us."(Talking how they are seen as disposable within the current world and system)
What is a doula?
- In Latinx communities the closest approximations are comadrona and partera (both terms used typically for a cis woman, midwife and healer).
- So, what would a doula do for HIV?
- Participants emphasized that this is a brand new term for them, but using the framework of comadrona and partera and their own life experiences, an HIV Doula would provide support, encouragement, act as a counselor, motivate, accompany, share information about medications and treatment .
If I center myself, what is important?
- Society ("Tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are) (participants really emphasized that this is brought up as a criticism of social class, of society, and politics BUT that this societal judgement drives stigma and impacts their life experiences)
- Loneliness
- Love
- Motivation/encouragement
- To better oneself
- Drugs
- To climb out of the hole
- There are two wars: internal and global
- Stop using methadone
- Cure hepatitis
- Faith/spiritual health
- Family - both chosen and blood
- Family that circles you and motivates
- To talk and communicate more
- Respect
- To seek knowledge and information
- To seek peace
- Patience
Concluding Statement
To destroy HIV we propose:
1- Find the cure - invest in scientific research
2- Mobilize education via Internet, groups, counseling
- must emphasis harm reduction around sex and drugs
3- Development of programs that are comprehensively funded
4- Change the system